Wife and I have been married for 15 years. After Thanksgiving, I was looking through some old pictures of
her. She was sharing with me stories, and I noticed one of them she was in bed with her dog (she was 11 in that picture).
         I made a joke about if she used to do the peanut butter trick. Wife told me she did have her dog eat her out a couple times, said she was curious. Said it felt good, I thought it was weird but I heard plenty of stories of people getting oral sex from dogs. I didn't judge her, just asked if he was better than me. We laughed about it, and that was that.
          However the next day, she started bringing up her old dog again. She ended up telling me more about her dog. Long story short, from when she was 11, to when she left for college she would have sex with her dog. (YES PIV).
I could tell she was embarassed sharing the story, I didn't really know how to react. I wanted to laugh, wanted to think it was all a joke, but she was sincere. After sharing the story, she was relieved that I didn't judge her. She told me I was the first person she has ever told and how great it felt getting it off of her chest and how great of a husband I am.
         The problem is I still can't rap my head around this. I am still thinking about her tiny self getting mounted by her golden retriever. I don't know why, but now when I look at my wife I keep thinking dog slut. I love my wife to death, we have three beautiful children together, and I get that it took a lot of courage sharing that with me. And I don't want to come off as judging or hurt her feelings. But I am still hung up on this, I don't want to tell her that my brain is still fried from when she told me but it is. I want her to feel safe telling me things and me telling her that I am fucked up because she opened up to me would mess with us. When I am at work and I just keep imagining her moaning to a fucking dog. If it was just the eating out part I wouldn't care but the fact they had intercourse is really fucking with my head.
       She told me some other things that fucked with my head. She told me that the thing that made the whole experience so unique was the fact that having sex with a dog is very primal. In the sense that when a dog starts going he doesn't stop even if it was hurting her. Dog doesn't know what rape is. And then there is the "knot" (you can google that).
         Some more information - okay guys people have been asking why I included the fact she is petite and all. It's because to her, this wasn't just like a vibrator or dildo type thing. She got off on the fact that the dog would dominate her, the fact he wouldn't let go of her. The dog literally made her his bitch.
            The knot aspect of sex, that she couldn't escape from him and it would hurt her a bit (she described it as "the good kind of hurt"). And as a human I can't form a knot, and even if I could I don't want to remind her of her doggy days.
             She was embarassed at first about sharing this, but now she describes the whole thing fondly. That she would think about coming home to having a loyal lover. She said, she just had to take her clothes off and her dog would know what was coming.
              This is what really is fucking with my head. The only good thing that I can think of, is when I talked about getting a dog a while back she suggested we didn't.
What do I do guys?

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