The male or’gan i.e. peni’le structure is not made up of bones but contain strong muscles that eat up more blood and retain to stand up and remain er’ect while the man is ar’oused s’exually.
Said this,when the man is s’exually excited seeing na’ked woman during the for’eplay, the muscles of the peni’le structure retains the blood and make the or’gan erected.
The best hand exercise to make p’enis bigger based on this is stretching it naturally.
During the day, stretch the or’gan downward (when it is not er’ected of course) a few times. This naturally lengthens the structure and you get bigger or’gan.
The second answer for how to make your p’enis bigger naturally by using your hands is massage it upward when it is er’ected
For this, you can manually erect the p’enis using hands and once it is stood, you can put it upward.
Do this gently and a couple of dozen times. You can practice this 3-4 times a day for 3-4 months to see visible results.
The muscles in p’enis are similar to that of what you have in rest of the body (say biceps). But then, these muscles grow bigger when they retain the blood.
Building these muscles is quite similar to that of biceps and triceps.
The muscles in p’enis are similar to that of what you have in rest of the body (say biceps). But then, these muscles grow bigger when they retain the blood.
Building these muscles is quite similar to that of biceps and triceps.
You can use traction and lift it with e’rected p’enis. A very little weight can be tied with glans p’enis and as you do a weight lifting using arms, can do with p’enis.
However, you must take care that you should not use too much weight there and lift the traction gently
However, you must take care that you should not use too much weight there and lift the traction gently